requirement : Here i have scenario like i have all the files name or image name which i need to copy over to new directory in same computer or on any external drive.
@echo offSETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSIONSET "source=D:\srcdir\"SET "source1="D:\srcdir""SET "destination=D:\Destination"SET "FileNameFromTExtFile=.\Path1.txt"if not exist "D:\Destination\" mkdir D:\Destinationrem copy Folder Structure as of source in DestinationXCOPY "%source1%" "%destination%" /t /eFOR /F "usebackq eol=| delims=" %%f IN ("%FileNameFromTExtFile%") DO (where /Q /R %source1% %%frem echo !ERRORLEVEL!IF "!ERRORLEVEL!" == "1" (@copy /y "%source1%%%f" "%destination%%%f")IF "!ERRORLEVEL!" == "2" (echo "%source1%%%f" is not found!))
In above code it will copy all the files which are mentioned in Path1.txt file and it will loop through all the files and copy to Destination folder from source folder (srcdir).
It will also copy all directory structure before copying the fles.
Feel free to edit code as per your requirement.
how data need to pass in Path1.txt file?
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