Create function in sqlserver to identify the special character in string ( in parameter), and it will replace all the special character with "AND". You can modify the function as per your requirement and can replace it with space.
DROP FUNCTION func_Gen_str CREATE FUNCTION Func_Gen_str (@NewStr VARCHAR(1000)) RETURNS VARCHAR(1000) AS BEGIN DECLARE @newstring VARCHAR(1000) = @NewStr; DECLARE @pattern VARCHAR(100) = '%[^"0-9a-zA-Z'' -]%'; DECLARE @i INT; BEGIN SET @i = PATINDEX(@pattern, @newstring) WHILE @i <> 0 BEGIN SET @newstring = LEFT(@newstring, @i - 1) + '" AND "' + SUBSTRING(@newstring, @i + 1, 1000); SET @i = PATINDEX(@pattern, @newstring) END RETURN @newstring; END; END GO
SELECT dbo.Func_Gen_str('a,bcde.fghifhj')
result will be
a " AND " bcde " AND " fghifhj
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