Monday, November 23, 2020

VB : run time error 429: ActiveX component can't create object


run time error 429:

ActiveX component can't create object

After Having the Change from the Original Post 

To resolve error in code i used "Late Binding", then i did a attempt after few days on same work then facing a new error related to "ActiveX"

Again did some research and people/developer suggest different type of solutions but issue is straight forward.

In code you are using component of library which is not selected in reference for VBA

Note * - Your code should not in execution mode
note * - Change your code to original if you also had used "late binding"
1. Open VB
2. Go to "Tools"
3. Reference > you can see the popup "References VBAProject"
4. Scroll Down and select the required Library
**In my case I haven't selected the PowerPoint Library
so select "Microsoft PowerPoint 16.0 Object Library"
5. Go back and execute your code

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