VB Paint 1.02-------------
VB Paint is a simple drawing program similar to Microsoft Paint plus several image filters.It's a free and open source software built with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.You may freely use and modify any part of the code for your personal needs.Any comments, suggestions, criticisms and questions are very welcome.
VB Paint Features:
*Drawing tools: curve, polygon, filter brush, brush (10 different shapes), air brush, text, fill, rectangle, square,rounded rectangle, rounded square, ellipse, circle,pencil, eraser and pick
* Drawing properties: foreground color, fill color, fill style,draw width, border style and font
* Selection tool: move, cut, copy, paste, delete, crop, effects, filters
* Effects: resize, flip horizontal/vertical, rotate, clear
* Filters: black and white, blur, brightness, crease, darkness, diffuse,emboss, gray black and white, grayscale, invert colors,replace colors, sharpen, snow and wave
* Undo/redo (limited by memory, currently I set it to 10x undo/redo)
* Others: scroll bars, zoom, resizable paint area, hand, status bar,open, save, and print
Thank you for using this program.
Download Link:
Click here to download file