Friday, August 28, 2020

ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol

Oracle installed - 12 C, General install on Developer machine

ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol

Reason could be
No authentication protocol defined for either oracle client or oracle server.

I have identified 2 solution as during fix of this error

One is we can set the parameter in sqlnet.ora file "ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER", where we can specify the minimum number of authentication protocol can connect to oracle database. you can set below parameter as per the requirement.


2nd thing i observed, If oracle server is 12C and you are creating connection in any of tool using OJDBC6.jar file then i suggest to update your jar file to OJDBC7.jar  which can also able to resolve the problem.

TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error/ TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error

Installed new oracle instance on machine and Setup listener and TNS. After  that i was able to connect the users either from cmd sqlplus or SQL Developer.

I deleted the current listener and TNS and cleared the file tns. Observed that for me TNS services is no longer in system. Then i recreated the lsnrctl and TNS. Probable you will able to create the listener successfully but might be not able to start using cmd or services.

CMD > LSNRCTL > start

You might see some error. 

at that point you will not able to connect any database as well, it may throw below error :

 Unable to OpenSCManager: err=5
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error/ 
 TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error
In order to solve the error i just open CMD as administrator then i re-execute the command LSNRCTL was now working for me.

Coming Back to point, after resolving the error related to LSNRCTL/TNS, i tried to connect user or database from SQL Developer from remote machine (in network) it was working fine for me.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Change Machine Password While Working on Remote Machine

Want to change the password of remote machine. Are you not able to able to change the Password for remote machine (remote machines - mstsc 1 > mstsc 2 >mstsc 3) no problem perform below steps:

  1. Login remote machine (for which you want to change the Password)
  2. Enter in Full Screen Mode ( maximize Window)
  3. Open On-Screen-Keyboard on machine where need to change the Password
  4. Press button CTRL + ALT ( from Keyboard) and DEL (using mouse, from on-screen-keyboard)
  5. Choose Option "Change Password"
  6. Change your Password !
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