Friday, January 27, 2017

Xampp Starting Error

One of the friend came to me and ask if you will help me out, i said why not. when i asked about the problem he told my xampp server was not working. I was think in my mind i was not aware of this tool, then how i can help him. However we sit together and started looking into the problem.

We were having
- Window 7 on 32 bit laptop
- xampp server installed by friedn him self

We started and try to start xampp and getting below error

"Port 80 in use by "unable to open process" with PID 4:

Error clearly mention, Apache tomcat want to use 80 port and it is being used by PID (Process ID) 4

How to proceed:
  • Open Task manager
  • Look for the PID with number 4, probable it will be "NT Kernel and system"
  • Open CMD and check the processes that are running with port number 80
netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:80

  • After searching on google, came to know that the PID process is related to SQL server Reporting server. 
  • Go to services
  • Stop all services related to SQLServer
  • Stop and start services for apache and mysql
  • It Works!!!!

Other Possible Processes :

VMWork Station

web stats