Friday, August 28, 2020

TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error/ TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error

Installed new oracle instance on machine and Setup listener and TNS. After  that i was able to connect the users either from cmd sqlplus or SQL Developer.

I deleted the current listener and TNS and cleared the file tns. Observed that for me TNS services is no longer in system. Then i recreated the lsnrctl and TNS. Probable you will able to create the listener successfully but might be not able to start using cmd or services.

CMD > LSNRCTL > start

You might see some error. 

at that point you will not able to connect any database as well, it may throw below error :

 Unable to OpenSCManager: err=5
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error/ 
 TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error
In order to solve the error i just open CMD as administrator then i re-execute the command LSNRCTL was now working for me.

Coming Back to point, after resolving the error related to LSNRCTL/TNS, i tried to connect user or database from SQL Developer from remote machine (in network) it was working fine for me.

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