We know that Qlikview is data pulling and other operations are quite faster than other tools. Still we need to optimize the qlikview document.
Reload, chart loading are depend upon various factor. Good data model also leads to high speed.
Some below factor we need to take care in document:
For Charts
1. Avoid Calculated dimensions - if possible use direct column in dimensions, calculated dimension leads to decrease the performance of table chart, because calculated dimension, do calculation for every row.
Reload, chart loading are depend upon various factor. Good data model also leads to high speed.
Some below factor we need to take care in document:
Reduce Rows
Eliminate unneeded data volume (rows) from apps (how far
back does the app really need to store data?
Reduce Columns
Find unused fields in the data model - use
DocumentAnalyzer_V1.5.qvw against your app to do this, then copy the
"DROP FIELD" statements that are generated for the unused fields
and place these into a new tab in YOUR application, as the VERY LAST tab in
the script.
Reduce Distinctness
Reduce Distinctness - Reduce distinct values in your
application - use the QlikView Optimizer.qvw against your app to find the
fields that are candidates for these changes. Select the "Symbols" in the Optimizer
app to see these (timestamps, system keys, etc..)
Increase efficiency
Convert fields to numeric that are used in compare
expressions, like IF(ClientType = 'Direct'….)
Reduce data model complexity
Collapse snowlfaked tables to attain a more pure star
Reduce App complexity
Reduce number of tabs/objects in the application, where
Reduce App complexity
Reduce the number of open charts down to 1 on tabs where
this is possible and appropriate
Best Practices
Follow checklist items above in all areas
For Charts
1. Avoid Calculated dimensions - if possible use direct column in dimensions, calculated dimension leads to decrease the performance of table chart, because calculated dimension, do calculation for every row.
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