Tuesday, August 19, 2014

QV11 Only() function in qlikview

Only function work return the only one value when the value in parameter in common with respect to dimension else it will return null. It always return single value. 

Load * inline [
Month, Price
1, 345
1, 342
1, 34
1, 345
1, 67
2, 76
2, 87
2, 67
2, 33
3, 321
3, 123
3, 324
3, 274
4, 33
4, 49
4, 192
5, 923
5, 347
5, 43
5, 84
5, 52
5, 55
6, 10
6, 12
6, 554
6, 546
7, 22
7, 10
7, 20
8, 30
8, 40
9, 50
10, 6
10, 60
10, 70
11, 80
12, 90
12, 90

load Month, Only(Price) Resident pricem group by Month

Using above query it will return value for 9,11,12 month only

This is where the Only() function affects the calculation without the user knowing it; if there is no explicit aggregation function in the expression, QlikView uses the Only() function implicitly. Hence, in some cases,

- “Only(Date)” is used as sort expression
- “=Only(Product)='Shoe' ” is used as search criterion.

case will be updated soon

1 comment:

  1. I feel Qlik View and its very important property is actually very meticulously described and elaborated here through a practical problem.

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